Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Manolo, Wish I could afford your shoes....

Oh Manolo,
Why do you have to tempt me with a creation such as this?  I cannot always afford your shoes...   I mean, affording you is like a once in a decade thing... or perhaps for my brother's upcoming wedding in June 2011... that might be the occasion you and I merge as one.  Might not be THIS shoe.   But THIS shoe is truely amazing... 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Banana Republic this fall....I'm falling into Grey....

So, I've been known to find a great pair of shoes at BR, from time to time....Sometimes it's a hit, sometimes a miss.  Tonight, I felt like snooping around online.  I found a few contenders for fall.   What is up with me and the grey? :-)   I know purple is really in this season, and I've been seeing grey with it, so have that on my mind.  Also, my brother's wedding colors for 2011 are pewter/silver grey with purple accents, so that must be where this is coming from.... 

Anyway, thought? Discuss?..  

Grey Pump, $120: http://bananarepublic.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=35159&vid=1&pid=778844&scid=778844012

Grey Wedge, $98: http://bananarepublic.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=35159&vid=1&pid=778846&scid=778846012

Crazy Ass shoes at NY Fashion Week

Oh man, Check these out!!    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/17/crazy-shoes-new-york-fashion-week_n_720085.html